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  • Maximum Content - 2500 Characters (Including Spaces)

    • 1) Prepare your abstract in a word processor, then transfer to NotePad
    • 2) Make certain the character count is < 2500 total
    • 3) Cut and past the sections into the correct boxes on the Abstract Form from Notepad
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  • Title:*
    Should indicate the main finding of the study
  • Background and Rationale:*
    Outline the logical thought sequence that lead to the study question(s)
  • Study Question:*
    Specific, concise question(s) to be answered by the study
  • Methods:*
    Each Study Question should have corresponding methods that will generate data to answer it
  • Results:*

    Report your data for each study question in a concise paragraph.

    • 1) you may upload one table, graph or image

    Interpretation of the data should not be included here.

  • Result Image: Reset

    (Please upload only jpg,jpeg,png,gif image. Maximum Size: 2MB)

  • Discussion:*
    Interpret the data; indicate significance
  • Conclusion:*
    Concisely state the objective answer to the study question(s)

Conflict of Interest statements from the AAOS Disclosure website are required for all authors AT THE TIME of SUBMISSION. To save your abstract now, all fields except the conflicts of interest must be completed. You will have 48 hours to enter ONLY the missing Conflict of Interest statements. All other information must be complete prior to saving. 48 hrs after saving your abstract all authors without up-to-date Conflict of Interest statements from the AAOS Disclosure website will be removed from the abstract. The abstract will be automatically submitted without these authors listed.

Please note: Authors cannot be added to the abstract after submission.

Musculoskeletal Infecton Society
Musculoskeletal Infecton Society
PO Box 714
Rochester, MN 55903